Monday, September 3, 2007

Butler Resources


For the struggling student-

It seems like you are dealing with a typical problem that any college student could face so don't worry, you are not alone. Here you are in a new surrounding away from home and away from your parents where you are responsible for yourself and your actions. Whether or not you make the right decisions is in your hands. It sounds like you are caught up in the distractions of college life and haven't found the right balance between your school and social life. It is time to prioritize and manage your time so you can start to be successful in your classes. You can get some tips to help with these issues. These tips are geared towards online classes, but everything listed can be applied to campus classes as well. The next step is to figure out the best time and environment to unsure successful studying. Try to find a quiet place outside or on campus. The library is a great place because it is quiet and you have all the resources that you may need on hand.

Now that you have established a good time and place to study you can now focus on the school work. Because your room mate is doing well in class he class ask if you could take the time to compare notes and make sure you are getting all the main points from the lectures. If that doesn't work out you can contact other students from your classes by going to the butler homepage and looking up classmates through your pipeline account. If you are still having problems butler has several options. The Academic Achievement Center located in the 600 building is a great place to go and find help in a particular subject. If you are not getting the help your needing, tutoring is your next option. You can apply for a tutor in the subject you are having difficulties with, but do it quickly before there are not any tutors left.

Hopefully these suggestions will help you become the student you know you can be, but if you are still having troubles and may be a good idea to contact an advisor to discuss what is best for you.
Good luck and happy studying!

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