Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Learning Profile

In this class we have covered a variety of information. It seemed like we did not do much, butow it is as i look back at this half of the semester it shows that we have accomplished a lot in the small amount of time that we have been in class. There have been 6 major assignments that we assigned. The first one dealt with coping with change. With this activity we took the time to reflect on the changes that we are experiencing and describe the way we feel about change in general. The next one was time management. I learned about certain tips that help with managing your time and trying to keep my schedule from making me stressed. We also learned some tips to deal with stress to go along with this section. I also learned about the importance of community service in our lives. i learned about what it can do for the community and how it is beneficial. The next topic was butler resources where we learned about all the different things butler has to offer. This section was accompanied with a lesson on online researching through the butler website. the next topic dealt with academic planning. In this section we were to take certain tests that describe you as a learner and then had to evaluate plans for the future. The last section was over academic honesty were we were to look up different types of dishonesty and the importance of having honesty in school. Each of these sections were accompanied with discussions in the class and a blog for reflection.
In a general sense school has never been a struggle for me. I am the type of student that you may call an "over achiever." I am not one to just slack off and get by with the bare minimum, instead I work hard and put 100 percent into whatever I am doing. I can't just not care. My education is too important especially now that I am paying a lot of money for it. It is what I consider to be an investment and I don't want it to go to waste. My strengths as a learner as said before is that I am a very hard worker. I have a mind set that I can accomplish whatever the teachers dish out and I don't get discouraged if something is a little challenging. Some people need help or special incentives to do well in school, but in my case I am a self motivator. I push myself to do well in school and to get better at whatever i am doing. Because this is a class that incoming students do not know a whole lot about my advice would be to keep an open mind about the learning possibilities in this class and try not to worry about other peoples expectations of the course.

My weaknesses as a learner is that I tend to procrastinate on my assignments in school. I feel that I have improved with this problem now that I am in college, but i still could do better with it. With procrastination I feel that it can cause so much more troubles then if you were to make yourself sit down and complete the assignment ahead of time. Some things that I have noticed about other students that i admire, is that they are more laid back with school then I am. I know that I just said how important school is for me but I tend to be pretty hard on myself at times, which can lead to me being a little stressed. I just need to know that if something doesn't turn out as well as i hoped, i should try and be like that other students, and not to worry because it will all work out in the end. There is one task that has given me trouble ever since it has become a big chunk of school and that is writing. i feel that I am not the strongest at writing papers, poems, short stories, you name it, it is just a little trick for me. When I sit down to right a paper I will be in front of the computer for hours trying to put my thoughts down in a way that flows and makes sense. The skills that I would work on if I were to take another class like this one is to not procrastinate because then everything just seems to snowball. If i were to stay on top of my assignments then i could really focus on learning from the course.

As I reflect back on what we covered in this course I realize that I learned a lot more than what I thought i did. This course tested me a little bit by asking me to evaluate myself as a student and evaluate what is important to me. For instance doing the community service made me think back to what is a true concern for me. The academic plan made me think about how important planning out my future is and that I am a little off course at the moment. One thing I did like about the class is learning about the resources at butler. This assignment introduced me to what Butler has to offer. This is something that I would not have gone out on my own to try and figure out but I am glad that it was covered because I discovered that it is important. i have already used the online resources shown to try and find information for another class. I now know all the different resources that are at my finger tips and I have learned that I will use them my two years that I am at Butler.

I think that most of the coursework in this class was very relevant. The academic plan, community service, and coping with change were all things that made me self evaluate. I find this important because no other class really makes you do this. Sitting down and actually thinking about how much my life has changed since last year in the coping with change assignment made me realize how important my decisions are in my life right now. It was a little reality check to think about that the things I do now can affect the rest of my life. Also with the academic plan it made me think about the possibilities for the future. I know that I am undecided with my major but it helped me evaluate my situation and know that I still have time to figure things out. Another thing that really hit home even though it wasn't a major topic was when we spent the day talking about binge drinking. i enjoyed watching the video and it helped send the message that yes it is okay to go out and have fun, but in moderation. At this age people need to realize that they are youthful but they are not immortal so they need to make smart decisions. One assignment that I was not needed was the academic honesty because it has already been drilled into us throughout the 12 years in the public school system. Overall I feel that the topics discussed were relevant topics.

Like i said before I feel that most of the things covered in the class were needed and relevant. Some of the things i believe should be kept for sure is the academic plan. It is a good thing to cover because most students think they already know what they want to do but this plan can help the ones that may not know decide what they are wanting to do in the future and may make the ones that already know reevaluate and possibly change their minds on a few things. One thing I did not like about this section was the tests from the book explaining the type of learner you are. i feel that since we are on the college level of our education we already know what is our strong and week points and it seemed a little pointless to me. I think you could afford to loose the information on the academic honesty. I think the students have been told enough on this topic and their time should be spent on something else. One thing that you may want to cover better in the future is t time management and coping with stress because we are in a time in our lives that is occupied by both these things.

Here are a few words of advise for incoming students on surviving this class. Number One-come to class. Sure this is a simple thing but without coming to class you will not know what is going on and then you will have to rely on other people to fill you in. Also if you do skip class then you will miss instructions and due dates on assignments which can make your grade suffer. It is just better if you come to class so there will not be any confusion on what is going on. Number. Two- keep and open mind. If you come in thinking "oh my gosh this is going to be a boring class" then yes it will be and you will not get everything you can out of it and hey-you are paying for it so you might as well get your moneys worth and final Number Three- Do Not Procrastinate !!! This is what can really hurt you in the end. The blogs do not take that much time to do so don't put them off thinking that it is a simple task and you will do them later, because chances are you wont. The thing is they are assignments that come with ease but when you leave four of them to do the night before you turn them in, then they can become time consuming and a big hassle.

This course has taught me that I have gotten better at my procrastination problem. As I am sitting here writing this the day before it is due, I am proud to know that I have made some strides and overcoming one of my weaknesses as a learner. This class has also taught me about being open minded to new ideas and new people and the thoughts and feelings that come along with them. Because discussion was such a big part in the class it taught me to sit and listen to your peers and see what they have to say. Normally i am a shy person and I feel this class helped me step out of my comfort zone a little bit. it forced me to not just sit back and listen to what everyone else has to say, but open up my mouth and share my thoughts and feelings on different issues. i learned that by being an active participant in the class you are able to feed off of what others are saying and voice your own opinion on the subject. I don't think I will do anything too different because of this class. I will in the future however know that sometimes by sitting down and self evaluating what is going on can help things appear more clearly and to just stay open minded when i am being thrown into new situations.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Academic Plan

My plans for my time at Butler are to get my prerequisites out of the way. For my first semester I am taking Psychology, Art Appreciation, Comp. 1, Student Connect, and Calculus. I am not sure all of the classes that I plan for my second semester but I know that I will be taking Comp 2 and a basic science class like chemistry or biology. I also want to take a French class because I have already taken four years of it in high school and I really would like to continue taking it throughout college and maybe minoring it French. I regret not taking it this semester because if you don't use it the language then you start to forget some of the things you already know about it.
Right now I am currently undecided about my major. I was originally planning on majoring in elementary education, but now I am unsure if that is what i want to do. It is still an option for me but I am also exploring some other options. Some other majors I am interested in are graphic design, marketing and advertising, or sports management. These are all very different majors and they are all things that I am interested in. I feel that because deciding on my major is such an important task, I shouldn't rush myself into picking something if I am not 100 % sure it is something i want to commit my self to. I want to figure out my major before next semester, but if that doesn't happen I will try not to stress out about it.
I am planning on only attending Butler for 3 semesters. Because volleyball is one of the main reasons that I am here at Butler I plan on going on and playing at a higher division school. I don't plan on graduating from Butler, instead I am going to transfer on after my fall semester of next year to a four year school and get my bachelors degree there.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Academic Honesty

Academic honesty is an issue that schools have been struggling with whether it is cheating on tests or assignment, coping answers from a friend, or plagiarizing on a paper. There are many different forms of academic honesty. Why do student do it? Well, some are unintentional others just lack putting effort into their work. There are several reasons why students do it but as innocent as these acts may seem they are all wrong and should not be taken lightly.
One of the most common forms of academic dishonesty is plagiarism. Plagiarism is when an individual uses someone else's thoughts or ideas and presents them as their own. Although this is a basic definition there is more to it than this. There are several different ways that a student can plagiarize, and a lot of the time a student may not realize that they are actually committing the crime. One reason plagiarism has become more common is because of the Internet. Now that students have the web to gather information it makes reporting information correctly a little tricky. Most of the time it is because of improper citations and incorrect not taking which is all unintentional. Unfortunately some students go as far as trying to copy papers are information straight from Internet sites. In these cases the student should know that what they are doing is wrong and should stop.
Because plagiarism is a growing issue schools are cracking down to catch dishonest students. They are promoting academic honesty by addressing the issue instead of ignoring it. One way plagiarism is being prevented in school and is also one that i have experienced is with student's papers. Instead of them being printed out and handed in to the teacher they are submitted to a site - turn it -that specifically detects plagiarism. Students are also being reprimanded for being dishonest by either not getting full credit on assignments or no credit at all.
I feel that academic honesty is an issue that is showing up in schools and it seems to be getting worse. I am glad that it is being taken seriously and that there is so much awareness with this issue.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Coping With Change

Change is something that everyone goes through in there lives. Depending on the type of person you are and the attitude have towards change will effect your reaction to it. Some people are reluctant to change. they are stubborn, stuck in theirs ways and won't do it no matter what. Then there is the kind of people that are sad to see things change. Instead of embrassing the new, they get stuck reminiscing on what "used to be." I am the type of person that takes it as it comes. I know that it is necessary as time goes on for the people around you and yourself to change in order for you to grow and mature as a person. Change is necessary because it is the time where you get to mature and grow as a person.
My biggest changes in my life have all been crammed into these last 4 months. I graduated high school and have now moved to the next level. I had to watch as each of my close friends all went their separate ways to begin a new chapter in their lives. It makes me sad that I cannot be their with them to experience everything, but i know that this break from them can only make our friendship closer. I am now at college in a totally new environment and I am loving it. I enjoy being able to be on my own and make decisions for myself. It is here, where I have every opportunity to change into the person who i want to be. It is almost a reality check to be here. Yes, you are suppose to have fun but there's also this little voice in the back of my head telling me that I am not a little kid anymore. It is time to sit down and self evaluate and ultimately decide what i want to do with the rest of my life. There are signs all around me that I am growing up. My friend is talking about getting married soon, I am here at school so I can get a job, and that how I do here can effect the rest of my life. All these things seems surreal. I am a little apprehensive but excited about everything that is going on in my life and I am ready to embrace all the changes that are sure to come.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Community Service

In the past fiscal year child abuse referrals estimated to over 3 million cases. Out of those cases 30% of them had at least one child that was subjected to neglect and abuse. Childhood is the time when kids get to be kids. It is when they get to learn and explore new things and develop into the person they will be. When a child is subjected to abuse and neglect, they suffer serious psychological problems and they don't get the opportunity to have they childhood they deserve. They develop attachment disorders, disorganized attachment, and are more likely to have anxiety, depression, and problems with acting out. Not only does it effect what is suppose to be the most important time of their lives but it leaves long lasting effects too.
Addressing child abuse can be tricky because it involves trying to stop something before it happens. As an individual it is you that can try and prevent it. If you have concerns for a child, don't ignore it. There are certain signs that you can look for if you think a child is being neglected or abused. For physical abuse, cuts and bruises, resistance of going home, and fear of adults. For sexual abuse signs to look for are seductiveness, excessive aggression, and fear of a certain individual or family member. For emotional abuse, hostility, difficulty concentrating, and apathy are some concerning signs. If you know of a child that has these signs you can report it through the child abuse hot line or online. There are also several organizations such as The Community Coalition Against Family Violence and Tennyson Center for Children that focus on preventing and helping children avoid child abuse.
On a local level I can aid to the cause of preventing child abuse by just being aware that it could happen to any child. Just because a child comes from a strong family doesn't mean child abuse won't occur. By being away of the signs and knowing the steps to take I can help by being one more watchful eye in the community and can help prevent child abuse.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Time Management

When it comes to school, work, sports, or anything else that I participate in I strive to do my very best. I feel like I have let myself down if I know I didn't perform to my greatest potential and it leaves me with an uneasy feeling inside. Trying to juggle with my daily routine takes some time management skills and I feel that I have a system that works well for me. While in school I use a planner a lot. It helps me stay organized with everything that needs to be done and allows me to see just how much I have gong on that day. I love the feeling of being able to cross tasks off my list as I complete them. It makes it seem like I am actually accomplishing the things that I need to get done. As I am adjusting to college life I have noticed that I have not changed much of my time management skills since high school. I still expect to complete everything that is assigned and I still catch myself procrastinating from time to time. If there is one thing that I should fix is my problem with putting things off until the last minute. Some steps that I am taking to manage my time better are trying to do my homework in the afternoon between classes and doing some of it before I have volleyball that way i don't have a bunch to do towards the end of the day when I am tired. I feel that as time goes by I will develop a new rhythm that fits with my new college life style.
Some tips that I am trying to use in college are try not to procrastinate, don't stress out too much about course work, and know that you can't do everything so try and simplify your life. These are a few tips that not only apply to me but are tips that all college students should try while managing their time.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Butler Resources


For the struggling student-

It seems like you are dealing with a typical problem that any college student could face so don't worry, you are not alone. Here you are in a new surrounding away from home and away from your parents where you are responsible for yourself and your actions. Whether or not you make the right decisions is in your hands. It sounds like you are caught up in the distractions of college life and haven't found the right balance between your school and social life. It is time to prioritize and manage your time so you can start to be successful in your classes. You can get some tips to help with these issues. These tips are geared towards online classes, but everything listed can be applied to campus classes as well. The next step is to figure out the best time and environment to unsure successful studying. Try to find a quiet place outside or on campus. The library is a great place because it is quiet and you have all the resources that you may need on hand.

Now that you have established a good time and place to study you can now focus on the school work. Because your room mate is doing well in class he class ask if you could take the time to compare notes and make sure you are getting all the main points from the lectures. If that doesn't work out you can contact other students from your classes by going to the butler homepage and looking up classmates through your pipeline account. If you are still having problems butler has several options. The Academic Achievement Center located in the 600 building is a great place to go and find help in a particular subject. If you are not getting the help your needing, tutoring is your next option. You can apply for a tutor in the subject you are having difficulties with, but do it quickly before there are not any tutors left.

Hopefully these suggestions will help you become the student you know you can be, but if you are still having troubles and may be a good idea to contact an advisor to discuss what is best for you.
Good luck and happy studying!


Hello everyone! My name is Alex Szalawiga. I was born in Dallas, Texas but I moved to Kansas when I was 2. I currently and have been for the past 16 years been living in Olathe. For all of you who don't know where that is, it is a suburb of Kansas City. I love it there because it has everything you could need right there. You have some country area near by but you are close enough to Kansas City. It is kind of the best of both worlds. I decided to come to butler ultimately because of volleyball. I am here on a volleyball scholarship and getting all my basic classes out of the way. I am currently undecided on what major will be and hopefully I can figure that out sometime soon.
I have 4 siblings. My sister Jessica is a Sophomore at the University of Nebraska in Lincoln and I have a little brother, Luke, who just started kindergarten this year. I also have two step siblings, Amber and Lance, who live with their mom in Illinois.
The most frequent question I get is about my last name so I will give you a little rundown on it. The orgin is Ukrainian. My grandpa was from there and came over to America when he was in his twenties. Now don't get intimidated by the spelling because it is not pronounced anywhere close to how it is spelled. Just think of it like this:
Szalawiga=shelaviga, "z" becomes an "h", the first "a" an "e", and the "w" a "v". Look at it like this and you will never have a problem with it.